Go From Hot Mess to Waist Shrinkage Success!
From frustrated, stuck, and overwhelmed to confidence, freedom, and energy
This program is specifically for women who need to change their life. Years have passed them by and they now look up and do not recognize the person in the mirror. You're lacking energy to get through your day and seeing the way your body has changed has put you in to a state of slight sadness.
No longer will you let lack of motivation and accountability stop you.
No longer will you let not knowing what to do hinder you from getting started.
No longer will you let the fear of moving forward paralyze you in a state of feeling stuck.
You are now ready to take back your power to gain the confidence, the body, the energy, and the life you want and deserve!
This 4 Month Program is Designed to take you through everything you need to know to get to your weight loss goal as well as give you the energy back to live your life fully!
No more not liking the way your clothes fit or missing out on life because you're just to tired to motivate yourself to go!
Interested and want more information, sign up below and we’ll be in contact within the next 24 hours.
I'm Looking for Women who are Ready to Make this Work!
This Program is for Women Who Are
Extremely Committed
Ready to make yourself a priority right now
Willing to make changes
Be coachable
Ready to take changing their lifestyle seriously
Must be ready and willing to invest in yourself and your health
If this isn't you I can't help you... but if it is then let's do this!
“Prior to participating in the Hot Mess to Ultimate Success Program 3 months ago, I weighed 193 pounds, took pain and high blood pressure medications; suffered from insomnia, pre-diabetes, severe inflammation; coffee was my primary beverage, and low energy and neck and back pain made it practically impossible to consistently exercise. In addition, I was trying to transition to a vegetarian lifestyle but I was still eating fried foods and sweets on a regular basis.
When I initially started the program, I focused primarily on plant based nutrition and weight loss but the major accomplishment for me is a profound change in mindset. I not only look at food differently but I look at my relationships and activities with a different perspective. I no longer let unhealthy foods, unhealthy relationships and unhealthy activities dominate my life. I’ve learned to say no and better prioritize my goals so I can live a happier life that aligns with my core values; focusing on health and wellness, spiritual and personal growth.
Now, at 176 pounds I’ve fully transitioned to a healthy vegetarian lifestyle, my doctor has taken me off high blood pressure medications; my cholesterol decreased by 30 points since my last annual physical; I’m exercising consistently 4-5 days a week; drinking at least 8 glasses of water daily; sleeping on average 7 hours a night, and finally able to wear my wedding ring and cute clothes and shoes again.
Lorisa Leigh and the other women in the program commitment and willingness to share personal experiences and struggles inspired me and pushed me toward my goals. This has been one of the most positive experiences of my life and I’m confident that I will now be able to sustain a healthier lifestyle and continue working positively toward my personal development and spiritual growth.”
Interested and want more information, sign up below and we’ll be in contact within the next 24 hours.
Once This Program is Complete
You will feel amazing in your body.
You will have reclaimed you power back.
You will look sexy in your clothes.
You'll no longer self sabotage.
You'll gain your life back.
What we cover in this program.
Mindset shifts to create longterm change
How to boost your Metabolism to burn more fat
Stress Management/Emotional Eating so your cravings are no longer sabotaging you
Grocery Shopping/Eating Out so you know what exactly to buy at the store to give you the best and quickest results in your weight loss
Meal Planning so you are always be prepared even if you feel like you have no time
3 months of meal plans complete with shopping list and prepping instructions
Blood Sugar Control to help control cravings and better promote fat loss
How to Gain More Energy so you can crush your day with ease and flow without feeling drained
Digestive Health so you can go more regular and ditch the constipation and bloating (no more going to the bathroom only once per week)
Spiritual Health because lets face it… we all need spiritual healing and this is where are strength stems from.
Enjoying the Process
Your Transformation Begins Now!
Interested and want more information, sign up below and we’ll be in contact within the next 24 hours.
“My journey started back in August with Lorisa. I would watch Lorisa each morning for her morning juice about health and mindset. As I watched I started to minimally adopt some of the things she said. Then one day she started talking about a 3-6 month program that she wanted to start and I thought to myself I’ve tried everything under the sun and nothing truly worked but the small things that I did do that Lorisa suggested worked and they worked well. I said to myself, self let’s fill out this form and see what Lorisa has to say. I filled out the form, she called me, we connected, and here I am 6 months later feeling looking, looking better, and working on the best me.
Let’s go back to August prior to the call. I was sluggish, not happy with myself, and not living the life I knew I wanted to live. I struggled with weight after having my first child and making poor choices and just not having that same care that I once did. I tried many programs and would loose some weight here some weight there but nothing where I would not just see the difference but feel the difference. I hid certain body parts because I wasn’t happy with them but I dealt with them.
I finally decided that I needed to make some changes and to be honest I wasn’t sure what those changes looked like how to achieve the changes but more importantly how to make them last and not just look better but I wanted to feel better. I wanted a new me.....I wanted more for me.
I signed up for the Hot Mess To Ultimate Success Program and from the first video I knew that this program and What Lorisa was doing was going to be different. I said to myself I’m going to give this all I have and with the help and support of Lorisa I can say 6 months later I’ve lost 39.4 pounds, I’ve lost 6 inches in my waist and several inches from all over. This journey is just the beginning for me. I not only have a health coach but I have a mentor who has helped me in more ways then she may ever know. Lorisa has challenged me to accomplish all my goals not just dealing with my health and weight but in my career. To say I’m blessed to have her in my life helping me is an understatement. Thank you Lorisa for all you’ve done.
The pictures in the shorts on the top I took in August 2017. The pictures below that I took today and over the last 3 days. I still have a long way to go but when you have your mind right your body will follow. Trust the process....”
We only work with women who are 100% committed and know that change is the only option. If this scares you, then it’s probably exactly what you need.
Interested and want more information, sign up below and we’ll be in contact within the next 24 hours.