How to Eat to Get Rid of Eczema & Acne and Get Clear Glowing Skin

If you suffer from eczema or acnes then this is essential listening!

In this episode, you'll learn what to eat for natural, glowing skin. Rebecca Bonneteau, a Naturopathic Doctor, has gone through her own struggles with eczema to virtually being able to clear it up using purely natural holistic ways to treat the skin through applying the right nutrition, and topical creams. She is now sharing her ultimate lessons with us!

Rebecca Bonneteau’s focus is helping individuals and families living with eczema.

Rebecca qualified as a Nutritionist and Naturopath to help herself, and now she wants to help others!

Be sure to check out @rebeccabonneteau.naturopath or as well as contacting for more information about how she can help you personally reach your health goals and aid your recovery.

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Lorisa Green